
STENOCACTUS ZACATECASENSIS – Stunning Globular Cactus 8.5cm Potted Cacti Plants



Stenocactus Zacatecasensis – A cactus with origins in Mexico. Its wow factor is the wavy ribs that go up the plant giving it the common name so f brain or wave cactus. The plant are a deep green flesh white hairs covering each spine cluster. Spine are short and golden. Given the correct care this species produce stunning pink of purple flowers in late spring to early summer.

  • Origin: Mexico
  • Unique Feature: Wavy ribs give it the common names “brain” or “wave” cactus
  • Appearance: Deep green flesh with white hairs covering each spine cluster; short and golden spines
  • Flowering: With proper care, produces stunning pink or purple flowers in late spring to early summer


Plant Information

Cactus height: approx 4cm
Cactus width 3 to 4cm

Pot Information 

Pot Height: 7cm

Pot Width: 8.5cm


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